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A Rickman from Landgraaf

How one thing can lead to another....

After the fairing swap with GJK I was curious. What is this thing, name, brand, what ? A picture send to the forum did give the answer : a Rickman Century Sportfairing, with a Speed-7 windscreen. A sportfairing is not my first choice, but mayby I can do something with it, later.
Okay, what's next to do with the CX ? I look round at the forum from the Dutch Honda CX-V club

And there is 'Marcomazda', who has a wonderfull CX500 E with full fairing to swap with an older model. That should be a very good deal for me. But, to be honest, not such a good deal for him. After some mail-exchange Marco had another idea : on a loft he had a red rickman Polaris, complete with windscreen, lowers and fastening bows. He was willing to change that for a smaller sportsfaring. Was I interested ?
Yes. sure! Sure I wanted to switch the sportsfairing for an original Polaris. We mailed a little more and made an appointment for Friday, february the 16the in Landgraaf.

It was a smoth ride by car, across the A50, Eindhoven, and futher, along the A2 and A76 to Landgraaf. But then I got a little lost, and I decided to ask someone. "Miss, I'm looking for number xx in the yy street". Yeah, sometimes... I drove just two houses to far........

Marco was out, so I got acquainted with his wife, and one of the two dogs in the house. Coffee was served, and cake. And then Marco arrived. First of all I got the century out off the car. Then we went to the garage.

... a garage full with classical motorscycles ...

And that was something different. A garage full with classical motorcycles. Marco has brought together during the years a nice collection of classical motors. The greater part is MZ, including an MZ with sidecar, but there is also an original DKW, in riding condition. But naturally, my attention went strait to that very nice white CX 500 E. It was the largest, and also the youngest bike in Marco's collection.

...a DKW..

But first I had to look at the DKW. With such an enmgine, more than 50 years old one expectes rust, dirt, or on the other end of the scale, a very carefull maintainted, shining polished motor, what only vcan be thought by a velvet glove. And don't breathe on the chrome!
Not this one. This is a working, engine, ready to go. Sure, in the past years numerous part are replacet, always with originals. This one looks like a used bike from about 10-15 years old. not polished to the extreem, not neglected, just a normal used bike. And it still is. From time to time Marco rides this bike, just for fun, just because it runs so smootly. And tha makes this DKW an extraordinarily machine.


various MZ motorcycles stood there, in various stages of rebuilding. Marco told me that almost all the MZ's still are fully functional, and from time to time are used.

...MZ with sidecar...

The side car is planned to get completly painted this summer(2007), or at least before fall 2008. Technical it runs like clockwork, but the outside is not 'up to par'

...CX 500 E...

To get to the attic, above the garage, the sidecar has to go outside, but also the CX 500 E has to go out. There it stood. Despite the rip in the saddle it looked very good to me. The fairing fitted the lines of the motorcycle well, and in contrary to, lets say a Polaris or Windajmmer, this fairing made the bike look slender.

... rubbers greased ...

The motor was in excelend shape, ready to go, with inlet rubbers greased. Marco told me that it was done to keep the rubbers from drying out.
While I stand there in admiration for that good looking 'E' Marco starts the engine. I clearly hear the difference between this bike, and my own rambling 'rode rakker'. This CX spins like a well oiled swewingmachine. No scarry noises, neatly adjusted, not a tick to hear inside the engine. Marco tells me that he had increased teh valve clearance by 0.02 mm, to have a smooter running engine. Althoug I get the basic principles of the internal conbustion engine, this is beyond my crasp. But the CX sounds good. I have to trust Marco's technical know-how for this.

... there i ride, on an 'E'...

And then, out of the blue, Marco asks me : "do you want to go for a ride ?"
Me? What do you think, can I? "Ah, without helmet, just up and down the street, no problem." I believe him, but....
When leaving Ede I put, just in case, my own helmet into the car, because you never know. So now I push Marco the camera into his hands and run to the car, grab the helmet form the backseat, and run back. Leather jacket I have on, motor gloves are folded into the helmet, only boots and motorpants are missing. A few minutes later i'm sitting upon a 'CX500 E'. A magnificent seatposition, and after a short wave to Marco I leave. There I go, riding an 'E' version. End of street, turn and back to Marco, to get my picture taken.

... looks good ...

It looks good, I think. And now that I have my helmet on, Marco says that it's okay to ride around the block. And so I ride this magnificent smooth reacting machine trough Landgraaf. A short stretch of road where it is allowed to go 70km/h, and the CX below purrs satisfied. Me too. To soon I am back, before Marco's front door. I enjoyed that short ride. I know the bike is for sale, but really, I cannot pay the price, to bad, really.

... een Rickman Polaris ...

Now the fairing. Standing upon a small ladder Marco takes the different parts down. The Century is put back there. And there it is. A Rickman Polaris. Marco has an special frame, custom made for a CX. Therefore the nessecety to enlarge the bottem two nuts is gone. Carefully we place everything into my Fiat. Back in the garage I take a look at Marco's long term project. An American frame, brand "Darg Specialities", houses anYamaha XS 650 engine. Two nice wheels and a special front end lay nearby. It will take awhile before that runs, but there's no hurry, Marco said. For me there is, it is getting late, and Ede is far away.

It is nine oçlock when I get home after a remarkeble good trip, but nonetheless..... first I have to take the Polaris out of the car, and measure it out. It goes throug the gate beside my house. So, after fitting this onto my CX, I can still ride in en out.
It has been a special en good afternoon. The fairing gets a place inside the shed, protected with some cloth, until there is time and place to mount it. Lets hope that it will not take too long.....

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