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De Tweede remlichtschakelaar

The brake-light switch on the "Blue Angel" was, to put it mildly, not at peek-efficiency. It happeded once that, while I was waiting for the traffic lights to go from red to green, a car pulled up beside me, to warn me that my brake lights didn't work. Using the rear-brake, with the pedal, all worked fine, but the frontbrake did stop the bike, but did not light the brake light.

Time to pull the switch apart. Again.

With a Philipshead screwdriver I removed the screw that hold the switch in place. The next thing was to remoeve the two wires. One went off as it should do, the other one not. The second connection-lip was so worn out, that it broke of at the base, enhancing the problem. Now not only had I a bad switch-spindle, i missed a connection as well. Now what ? First I take the switch apart, and then I have to see what I can do with all the parts. Maybe if I ......

searching trough a small box with very old connectors I found something that had almost the right thikness an sizes. An old speaker-plug was sacrificed to be transformed into a spare part for a CX. Right. That should work.

... spare part ...

1 - brake switch housing
2 - brake switch with "spare part"
3 - switch spindle
4 - switch spindle spring
5 - bold
6 en 7 - broke off connection lip

But first I took some sanding paper to shine up the messing ring around the switch spindle. Some dark spots were found on it. These spots were left behind at the firts, quick repair job, done when parts from the "Red Rascal" were put onto the "Blue Angel". And then it was time to get the soldering-iron.
Fortunatly I was busy with another small hobby-project, an automated statortester, and al the things I needed lay, more or less arranged on a desk. The first attempts were disapointing, because the extension broke off under very light mechanical tension. I toke a small file, and took some more plastic out. Now I heated the spare connector-lip up, and pushed it under the messing tip that remained from the old lip. This gave more mechanical strength, and, after soldering, a good electrical connection. After testing the mechanical strenght I was satisfied. It is a brake-light switch, and some times it is good to have one.

... good soldering ...

Before I put the switch together again I had to check if all was sturdy enough. I was. I put the swtich axel into the housing, with the spring in it's proper place. After that I placed the back-housing into the front housing, and that was all. Placing the switch under the brake-pump went without problems this time. Testing .... and the switch is working like a new one.

But, to be on the save side, I ordered a spare switch from an other member of the Dutch Honda CX-500 club Imagine that the sitch is acting up again, then it's better to have a spare on the shelf

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